The party found themselves within the hollowed-out cellars of the lighthouse ruins, recuperating from their already numerous battles of the day. With daylight quickly fading, the group decided to stay where they were. They did receive a small amount of down-time: Brubar offered tattoos to anyone that wanted one. He […]
Tales of Ud
After the emancipation of the half-orc slave, Brubar, the party saw two sets of tracks from their location. One was a small set, most likely gnome-sized. The other was the shuffling from a group of creatures, most likely the freshly deceased orcs around you. Darrana Howlcrusher successfully tracked the small […]
On this nearly freezing mist-rain grey morning, the merchant ship Southern Girl anchored itself near the coastal ruined city of Troutbeck. The Captain insisted that a handful of passengers and crew were to go ashore using the ship’s dinghies, to scout a proper location to dock. Two small groups of […]
Should Alaric ever decide to leave the Starleaf Vale, the druid grovemaster, Tanyl Umenan, instructed Alaric to seek his council. Alaric woke on this day of Israh the 6th of Camue, and decided to do exactly that. Alaric’s thoughts and desires had overcome him: his restless questions about his family; […]