Tanyl Umenan is the grovemaster of the Druid’s grove within the Starleaf Vale, near the Vale Post. He most recently taught Alaric Dondarrian the ways of the Druid, and provided him council on his departing the Starleaf Vale. Treant in Tanyl’s grove:
Ya’an (Bridge-Maker, in Elvish) of House Ollis is a monk of the order of Llandry, located in the forest by the same name. Ya’an studies the path of the Llandry monks: to study, obey, and master one’s ki. Ya’an has been a faithful student of the order for a decade, […]
Ruari Athir “Spring Star Protection” (in Elvish) is a high elf of one-hundred eighteen years young. He is stunningly beautiful. Pale, with dark hair, and eyes of lavender. Ruari was born to Kerath Jarellon and Ka Onaldu; both nobles of Troutbeck and well-respected leaders of Troutbeck’s elves. Nearly twenty years […]
Orvyn SIlvershaper is a somber and particularly serious Gnome. He’s a cleric of Istus, the goddess of fate. When he was about 25 he decided he would leave his uncle’s home with his faithful pony, Ammolite (‘Amy’) and seek knowledge in the world. He’s been traveling alone for about half […]
Darrana Howlcrusher is an exceptional non-binary gendered halfling ranger. Sie (preferred pronoun?) is a strong survivalist and warrior, from the plains of Zabu. A temperate area in the South of the world of Ud, between the Jungle of Spears and Penca Vale. Darrana’s family name, ‘Howlcrusher’, is honorable among the […]
Alaric is a human druid, raised by elves in the town of Vale Post, a small elf trading village central to the Starleaf Vale. Adjacent to the Vale Post, Alaric came to know a Druid’s grove. It was in this well-maintained ancient grove that he found the grovemaster, Tanyl Umenan. […]