The son of peasant farmers in the Penca Vale, Perrin grew up knowing he wanted to be something else, never to know the suffering that his parents endured year after year. He could see the burden having to feed him caused, since there never was much to eat, and when […]
This muscular, savage humanoid stands 7 feet tall. Coarse hair covers most of its body. Its mouth is full of long, sharp fangs, and its nose is much like that of a bear. The biggest and strongest of the goblinoids, bugbears are more aggressive than their smaller relatives. They live […]
Zombies are corpses reanimated through dark and sinister magic. These mindless automatons shamble about, doing their creator’s bidding without fear or hesitation. Zombies are not pleasant to look upon. Drawn from their graves, half decayed and partially consumed by worms, they wear the tattered remains of their burial clothes. A […]
Introducing himself to Ruari, the dusty old gnome refers to himself: “Gazu Zilzu of Jorpip. But you can call me Sandifoot, or just ‘Sandy’. People call me that on account of my always moving from one place to the next, sharing the blessings of Fharlanghn. It’s my old boots, you […]
Brubar is a half-orc commoner. He was an indentured servant aboard the Southern Girl, working as the ship’s tattoo artist, and is covered in his own tribal tattoos. He often stares off into the distance… He most recently negotiated his own sale to the Orcs of Troutbeck. Supposedly, he is […]
This first mate of the Southern Girl is a clear bigot. He spouts his bile with an unusually high-pitch voice. Most recently, he negotiated the sale of the half-orc, Brubar, to four orcs on the docks of Troutbeck. Em Markuz with the Southern Girl:
This creature looks like a primitive human with gray skin and coarse hair. It has a stooped posture, low forehead, and a piglike face with prominent lower canines that resemble a boar’s tusks. Orcs are aggressive humanoids that raid, pillage, and battle other creatures. They have a hatred of elves […]
This humanoid is about the size of a gnome or halfling. It has a scaly hide, a naked tail like that of a rat, and a doglike head with two small horns. Kobolds are short, reptilian humanoids with cowardly and sadistic tendencies. A kobold’s scaly skin ranges from dark rusty […]
This creature appears to be nothing but a set of animated bones. Pinpoints of red light smolder in its empty eye sockets. Skeletons are the animated bones of the dead, mindless automatons that obey the orders of their evil masters. A lone skeleton seen in a forest:
This humanoid is slightly taller than a human. It has gray skin, a furry body, and a head like a hyena’s, with a reddish-gray mane. Gnolls are hyena-headed, evil humanoids that wander in loose tribes. Most gnolls have dirty yellow or reddish-brown fur. Gnolls on the Attack: