The son of peasant farmers in the Penca Vale, Perrin grew up knowing he wanted to be something else, never to know the suffering that his parents endured year after year. He could see the burden having to feed him caused, since there never was much to eat, and when […]
Daily Archives: April 7, 2018
3 posts
This muscular, savage humanoid stands 7 feet tall. Coarse hair covers most of its body. Its mouth is full of long, sharp fangs, and its nose is much like that of a bear. The biggest and strongest of the goblinoids, bugbears are more aggressive than their smaller relatives. They live […]
Zombies are corpses reanimated through dark and sinister magic. These mindless automatons shamble about, doing their creator’s bidding without fear or hesitation. Zombies are not pleasant to look upon. Drawn from their graves, half decayed and partially consumed by worms, they wear the tattered remains of their burial clothes. A […]