Introducing himself to Ruari, the dusty old gnome refers to himself: “Gazu Zilzu of Jorpip. But you can call me Sandifoot, or just ‘Sandy’. People call me that on account of my always moving from one place to the next, sharing the blessings of Fharlanghn. It’s my old boots, you see, they’ve holes in ’em and my feet, they’re always covered in dirt.”

This old dusty Rock Gnome seems ever-pleasant, even in the face of uncertainty. Perhaps it’s a trait that has served him well during his time on the road, to which he’s spent so much time. He’s a cleric of Fharlanghn, the god on the horizon, the god of the road, and the god of travelers. Over the weeks-long journey by ways of The Southern Girl with Ruari, he enjoyed telling tales from the road, singing, dancing, and laughing heartily.
Ruari first encountered Sandy near a small grotto underneath a bridge, near the docks of Lis-Al Onna after just escaping a harrowing situation involving a princess’s cursed underwear and the wrath of her father’s guards. After witnessing Ruari pull himself out of the ocean into the tiny grotto where Sandy was preparing for a voyage, the two became fast friends, and Sandy accompanied Ruari on the voyage to Troutbeck.
Sandy has since fought by the sides of the party for a day, but quickly got back on the road. Hopefully, he’s still alive out on the road with Amy, Orvyn’s pony. He said he’s on his way to Shotridge, a 20-day pony-ride away. He promised to give word to the party for when they leave Troutbeck, as well as to take care of Amy and ensure that she’s looked after at Shotridge until Orvyn comes to retrieve her.