On this nearly freezing mist-rain grey morning, the merchant ship Southern Girl anchored itself near the coastal ruined city of Troutbeck. The Captain insisted that a handful of passengers and crew were to go ashore using the ship’s dinghies, to scout a proper location to dock. Two small groups of […]
Daily Archives: November 18, 2017
3 posts
Introducing himself to Ruari, the dusty old gnome refers to himself: “Gazu Zilzu of Jorpip. But you can call me Sandifoot, or just ‘Sandy’. People call me that on account of my always moving from one place to the next, sharing the blessings of Fharlanghn. It’s my old boots, you […]
Brubar is a half-orc commoner. He was an indentured servant aboard the Southern Girl, working as the ship’s tattoo artist, and is covered in his own tribal tattoos. He often stares off into the distance… He most recently negotiated his own sale to the Orcs of Troutbeck. Supposedly, he is […]