Alaric On His Own

Should Alaric ever decide to leave the Starleaf Vale, the druid grovemaster, Tanyl Umenan, instructed Alaric to seek his council. Alaric woke on this day of Israh the 6th of Camue, and decided to do exactly that. Alaric’s thoughts and desires had overcome him: his restless questions about his family; his desire to seek beyond the Vale Post and the Starleaf Vale as a whole.

Alaric and Honey Badger Bill spent their morning hiking through the forest of mature hardwood trees, scattered pines, and conifers until he came to the rocky outcropping of cliffs among the hills of the forest. One particular outcropping was his sign of Tanyl’s grove. Hidden from the world, water trickles down from this one outcropping to form the pool that Alaric drank from and sat by for countless hours, meditating on the nature of the universe, as is the way of the Druids as Tanyl taught him.

Honey Badger Bill don’t give a F**k:

Carefully, measuring each step not to become caught in the sea of thorny ten-feet high briar bushes that surround the area, Alaric maneuvered through the grove’s entrance.

Alaric enters the grove:

As he had seen many times before, the inner grove was a sight of natural beauty: fruits and berries, tree-nuts, a garden of leafy and root vegetables; an impossibly perpetual cornucopia of gastronomic delights. Centered in the back of Tanyl’s garden, at the base of the cliff is the pool that has formed from the trickling cliff-water, above. Magically lit stones are embedded into the ground and cliff, keeping the area well-lit year-round, while protected from the elements.

Overhead, Alaric hears a familiar high-pitch cry of a hawk. It is clearly one of Tanyl’s two hawk companions. Above him, Alaric sees the two hawks, and one familiar eagle. The eagle comes swooping down and lands direct at Alaric’s feet – Tanyl’s standard entrance. As he had seen too many times to count, the eagle transforms into Tanyl Umenan, himself.

Tanyl is a 100-year-old half-elf. He is incredibly healthy-looking and he could easily pass for a young man. As per usual, he is wearing his druid’s vestment, hide armor, necklace, and ring.

Tanyl sits next to the pool just outside his sod hut, across from the enormous oak tree, and underneath Tanyl’s most trusted confidant, an old Treant. Tanyl motions Alaric to sit beside him.

As Alaric sits, two badgers, also companions of Tanyl’s burrow out of the ground and sit next to Tanyl for him to pet.

Tanyl tells Alaric: “Elhonna has more in store for you than the selling of bows. She beckons you go beyond the Starleaf Vale, to the West.”

He continues, “I press you to return to the once-city of your birth, Troutbeck. Though it is not the city it once was. Much has changed since the Orcs overran it years ago. There were people that resisted, though. Elves that banded together with humans. I have seen the destruction there. It is desolate. of this desolation, though, you will find allies and foes, alike. Seek it out: Indulge in the search for answers to your Orcish blade. Start at the docks of Troutbeck. From there you will find passage beneath the old city, where there is still life. There you will find answers.”

Alaric took Tanyl’s words to be wise and valuable, as he knows that as the grovemaster, Tanyl’s visions are far beyond his own. Alaric asked Tanyl about acquiring additional supplies, to which Tanyl replied, “You are an adept survivalist, and you have all that you will need. However, to aid you in your journey, these should bring you some comfort” and handed Alaric a dozen goodberries.

With that, Tanyl rose, and once again transformed to an eagle, and departed.

The Treant, whom Alaric had never heard speak before, twisted itself around, pointing what could only be a ‘face’ on a tree, and spoke in a deep voice, “Fare.Thee.Well.” and twisted back to be more tree-like, if that’s possible.

The Treant of Tanyl’s Grove:

The Vale Post was on the way to Troutbeck, Alaric thought to himself. He decided he’d stop there on the way, visit the tavern, maybe ask around for advice on his journey to Troutbeck.

In the center of the Starleaf Vale is the Vale Post, a small market town. The main economy is driven by the Vale Market in the center of town. Farmers from the surrounding area bring their crops, local craftsmen (like Alaric) sell their wares. There is a small tavern to hear a fiddler and grab a drink or bite. In the center of the market is the Post, of which the town is named after. It’s a sign-post for local events and notifications. Usually, the Post is empty except for seasonal events. On Alaric’s arrival, as expected, the Post remains empty. There is, however, a filthy gnome sitting at the base of it, with his hand extended hoping for alms.

Alaric approached the gnome and asked if he knows what’s going on, but the gnome seemed only to know that he needed money. Alaric considered him a waste of time, and moved onto the local tavern, Eli’s place.

Eli’s Place, the only tavern in town, was as noisy as can be expected for mid-day with only three inhabitants: a single slumped over patron at the bar; Eli manning the bar, and; in the corner of the room on a small elevated platform, Eli’s old friend, the fiddler Apo.

Eli’s Place:

Alaric ignored the patron at the bar, and immediately approached his old friend, Eli. Alaric told Eli he’d be traveling to Troutbeck, and wondered if Eli had any advice for his trip.

Eli told him of the Western path: “In the many years I’ve lived at the Vale Post, it has been decades since I’d seen anyone come or go on the Western trail. I’d assumed it was dilapidated. I hear stories occasionally; things that would haunt children, mostly: of demons and undead and monsters and all varieties of villains.”

They bantered for a while, and Alaric finally came around to asking for “a little help from his friends”. Eli had an idea as to what Alaric was asking for, so he said, “Apo’s always holding. I’ll call him over.”

A moment later, Alaric’s other Vale Post friend, the fiddler elf, Apo, came to the bar between sets and gladly provided Alaric with a parting gift: A handful of herbs to “enlighten his path.”

Expecting this to be the last time that Apo and Eli will see Alaric for many years, Eli was happy to provide Alaric with a room for the night. Alaric took up Eli’s offer, and decided that his journey would begin in the morning.

At the first break of light, Alaric left Eli’s place, and took a short walk in town to the local Temple of Ehlonna. Alaric had been here many times; a modest two-room building. In the main room were tapestries of Ehlonna hanging from the walls, and against the far wall – a small cabinet and a door to the cleric’s chambers.

Alaric knocked on the cleric’s door; no response. Feeling he had the place to himself, he rummaged through the cabinet looking for something to ignite Apo’s herbs. He quickly found the cleric’s censer, and thought it the perfect instrument. He ignited the herbs in the censer, and hovered over the smoke, meditating on Ehlonna, Tanyl’s wisdom, and his path ahead.

Suddenly, the cleric’s door opened, and a bleary-eyed cleric of Ehlonna looked around in shock at the smoke-filled room. Alaric (and perhaps the intoxicating fumes) calmed the cleric, who agreed to assist Alaric in his spiritual journey. The cleric, who was well-versed in the many forms of prayer to Ehlonna, showed Alaric some physical stretching techniques that may aid him in his wisdom. Alaric was overcome with an uplifting, if somewhat hazy feeling of confidence. He was now ready for his trip west to Troutbeck. He gathered his belongings, and took the old beaten unkept trail West to Troutbeck.

The trip was not without its complications. There were numerous animals encountered (and hidden from). One evening, Alaric took shelter in a small cave, only to be attacked by a small kobold living in it. Honey Badger Bill mauled it to the brink of death, and the kobold hid back in his cave, while Alaric and Bill found a new shelter for the night. One morning upon waking, Alaric encountered an animated skeleton of a human warrior with a heavy shield and clawed hand. Seeking a peaceful journey, Alaric and Bill fled the skeleton to safety.

Nearly two weeks of hiking West, eating only goodberries, Alaric arrived at Troutbeck, and as Tanyl told him, found his way to the docks for answers…

The Kobold timidly defends his territory:

A Human Warrior Skeleton Chased Alaric and Bill Away: